hair painting

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So, what is hair painting?

My technique of hair painting is a modern, freehand method of highlighting and coloring hair without the use of foils.

In 2010, I began to specialize in freehand balayage highlighting. Over the years, I have evolved and refined my process, ditched the foils completely, and I haven’t looked back since!

What results can I expect from hair painting?

Hair painting is super versatile, from bright blondes, to subtle dimension on brunettes, or punchy redheads.

The key difference is in the blend!

With hand-painted highlights you can expect easier maintenance, softer transition of color with built-in gradation, and a more natural effect.

(and brunettes & redheads)
have more fun.

Bespoke to each individual—your texture, growth patterns, and style are all customized to create an end result that never appears contrived and always suits YOU.

ready to book?

request an appointment here